Bach's statue in Leipzig, outside the church at which he spent the last 20 years of his career as cantor. He's buried on the altar: I would imagine this would be no small cause of performance anxiety for his successors.
Just returned from a three city tour that included, quite unexpectedly, four cities. Oh, what adventures we had! From enjoying Vienna's famous Elmer Fudd Ballet, to getting busted by the subway cops of Budapest, catching* the World Hockey Juniors in the Czech Republic, to admiring post-Communist piles of concrete in Leipzig, and freezing, freezing, freezing throughout.
Longer reports will follow after I catch up on my work, such as it is. Until then, I leave those of you in Canada who knew him with the assurance that Stefan is doing well, living in Leipzig and hopefully chastened enough by our scolding to be a bit better about responding to his email. Drop him a line!
* by "catching," I mean "missing entirely." Sorry!
Pictures? I've been waiting...
... we're WAITNG....quit wanking!
Mom? Is that you?
No son, would your Mom leave anonymous notes? It's Tara, who has still no idea to create an identity, existentially speaking.
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